Running to Win

I’m embarrassed to admit that prior to COVID-19, I never knew what my neighborhood looked like beyond what I could spy as I clicked a button and drove into my garage. Between work, church, and spending time with family and friends, who had time for exploring?

However, stressed and overwhelmed by emotions too raw to articulate, COVID-19 got me out of the house - with my running shoes on - exploring my neighborhood. My body needed more than the 10-minute daily, online Pilates videos I had grown to love, and it craved fresh air and release from the tension I had let build up inside. 

Running has become a way to clear my mind and let go of stress and a way to reconnect with my body. Months into this, I have come to enjoy the cool sting of the early morning air, the warmth of the sun as it stretches upwards, and the kind waves from neighbors as I jog past. Just this morning, as I passed a woman I had seen at the start of my run, she yelled out, “You’re doing great!” I beamed! Her encouragement kept me pressing on a little longer. 

As I ran, this verse came to mind from Paul. He says:

“Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Run so as to win. Every athlete exercises discipline in every way. They do it to win a perishable crown, but we an imperishable one. Thus I do not run aimlessly...” (1 Corinthians 9:24-26)

Where are you running towards? What is your mission on this earth? Scripture says that, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). What is your vision? What gets you up every day? 

My mission is to help women better understand their dignity and strength as beloved daughters of God, and to help them identify and move towards their career goals. That’s what gets me up in the morning. That’s why I started Fiat Career Coaching, LLC. 

Through Fiat Career Coaching, my aim is to run alongside you as you grow as a professional woman, whether you are trying to re-enter the workforce, make a career change, or ascend in your career. As your career coach, I won’t run the race for you or run the entire way with you, but I’ll be right there when you need it most. They say that if you want to run faster, run alone, but if you want to run farther, run together. 

If you’re ready to go farther, check out my services and let’s run this race together!

GoalsValentina Imhoff