Superhabits: The Universal System for a Successful Life

Do you want to improve your life today? (I promise I’m not about to pitch you snake oil).

Are you tired of trying to make changes in one area of your life and feeling frustrated that you can’t seem to “stick” to those changes? Or do you feel a sense of purposelessness and desire some guiding principles for personal growth?

In addition to spending time with Jesus, I highly recommend this new book by Dr. Andrew Abela, called “Superhabits: The Universal System for a Successful Life.

Dr. Abela is the founding Dean of the Busch School of Business at the Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C.. He has written an engaging and well-researched book on how to attain specific virtues/superhabits that will make your life easier, more productive and fruitful.

Through stories of historical and modern figures and events, you will receive insights into these superhabits and practical advice on how to begin implementing them today. This is a book I know I will keep coming back to and may even gift to others for Christmas :).

I hope you enjoy this episode and implement Dr. Abela’s suggestion to start small. It’s in the steady, daily practice that we can create change.

You can watch this episode on YouTube or listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Be sure to share with a friend.

Resources mentioned in the episode:

With love,


Valentina Imhoff