My 10 Things
A couple nights a week before we go to bed, my husband and I share 10 things we are grateful for that day. Those things range from gratefulness for our marriage to the tasty lunch one of us made that day.
Whatever it may be, pausing to remember the many good things that have taken place in the course of 24 hours, always reminds me that life is good. Despite the challenges and the struggles, every day is a gift.
In honor of American Thanksgiving this week, I wanted to share my 10 things with you, regarding this business- Fiat Career Coaching, that God gifted me with almost 3 years ago.
These are the 10 things I am grateful for over the last year, in no particular order.
You can read the text below or listen to the 5-minute audio on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
I am thankful for the many clients that have entrusted me with their stories and their hearts. It has been an honor running alongside you as you transition fields, encounter breakthrough in areas you previously felt stuck, and received the clarity that you have always ached for. You are the flowers in this beautiful garden that God has given me to tend and watch blossom.
I am thankful for the many family members and friends who have encouraged me through every post, every podcast video and every workshop. Thank you for your support as it has carried me along each moment of self-doubt and fear.
I am thankful for the various mentors that I have had this year, some I crossed paths with briefly, and others who are still gracing me with their words of wisdom. Thank you for the marketing advice, strategy talks, and the “I believe you can do this” pep talks. Each and every one of you has a special place in my heart and is so appreciated.
I am thankful for my husband whom I married this past summer. Marrying you has been the best decision I ever made. Your faith in me and your gentle nudges to write and create have given me courage every step of the way. I hope to continue to grow into the fearless woman you see me as.
I am thankful to God for entrusting me with this business. I tell people that I work for Him and it’s true. He has provided in mysterious ways, made me connections I never would have dreamed of, and delights in my discovering His will for me. I love you Lord my God.
I am thankful for all the mini failures of this year. The posts that fell flat, the struggles to understand my own niche and mission, the self-doubt, the worry. I am thankful for them because they have humbled me, caused me to pause, pray and listen more, and have been fuel for further growth.
I am so thankful for the wonderful people I have interviewed on my podcast this year. Starting the podcast was a risk of faith and it has been one of the best Kingdom “risks” I’ve taken. I have thoroughly loved listening to each person’s story and being able to share it with the world. Words can’t express the joy I experience as I sit across the Zoom room from someone, and I get to listen to their life lessons and glean tremendous wisdom from them.
I am thankful for the flexibility of working from home. Maybe it is the introverted part of me, but I love setting my own routines and moving at my own pace, in the comfort of my stretchy pants.
I am thankful for the side gigs I have been able to do this year in addition to my business. From teaching to recruiting, it has been fun learning new skills and meeting new people.
I am thankful for the training I received through the Catherine of Siena Institute and being certified to teach the Called and Gifted Workshop. Helping people discover and discern their charisms, i.e., spiritual superpowers 😊 has been a rewarding experience.
These are my “10 things” that I am grateful for regarding my business.
What are your 10 things for a specific area of your life? I would love to hear it. Please send me a message at
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
With love,
“For when we say ‘Yes’ to God, we change the world”!