Healing Through the Sacraments

What if I told you that it was possible to experience the sacraments in a deeper way? That the sacraments of baptism and holy communion could heal deep-seated wounds of rejection or abandonment respectively?

My guest for today is, Dr. Bob Schuchts, author of the book, “Be Transformed: The Healing Power of the Sacraments,” and founder of the John Paul II Healing Center in Tallahassee, Florida.

In his book, Dr. Bob provides insight into how each of the seven sacraments (baptism, holy communion, confirmation, holy orders, matrimony, reconciliation, and the anointing of the sick) heal specific wounds we all face.

These wounds of rejection, abandonment, powerlessness, confusion, fear, shame, or hopelessness hinder us from recognizing our true identity and block us from living out our true mission. However, God in His mercy, has provided the 7 sacraments as antidotes to these wounds.

If you would like to experience a greater release of the power of the sacraments in your life, I highly recommend this book and this episode.

You can watch this episode on YouTube or listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Valentina Imhoff